
Australia Victoria Big 4 Shepparton Park Lane Holiday Park

内容来源:大手控制 发布时间:2013-10-04 11:41:00浏览次数:5129
Thanks to advanced features of 100% duty cycle, heavy duty and long lifetime, DASHOU was chosen by “Big 4 Shepparton Park Lane Holiday Park” to be the supplier of Barrier Gate. Two units of 4 meters straight arm barrier gate have been successfully install


Thanks to advanced features of 100% duty cycle, heavy duty and long lifetime, DASHOU was chosen by “Big 4 SheppartonPark Lane Holiday Park” to be the supplier of Barrier Gate. Two units of 4 meters straight arm barrier gate have beensuccessfully installed, and all two barrier gates have been working fine since their installation. The owner and the installer areimpressed and satisfied with DASHOU barrier gate, more barrier gate will be installed in its other sites in the near future.

DASHOU`S Barrier Gate is powered by torque motor, was especially designed for highway toll gate, car park of shopping mall,airport, hotel, exhibition, hospital and residential community.
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